My skills


  • Ubuntu bash script / Windows batch script
  • Languages



    My works

    animation written by python

    python ballon shooting game

    python game with transition scenes

    Use python native tkinter to build a GUI

    traveling with leaflet

    Through ajax and you can click on every state and every city without changing pages and it can calculate the distance and router if you give it start and end point.

    Message book

    Access mysql Through Flask-SQLAlchemy to create a Message book.

    KKBOX music platform

    Use kkbox open api, python, and mysql to create a client-server website

    Use api access MYSQL

    Use Flask and ajax Javascript to access kkobx database.

    TW stock recommendation

    Use market average p/e ration and average dividend to decide wheather to recommand an individual stock or not.and push txt to line group.

    use docker to deploy a single mode hadoop

    docker pull a ubuntu image and set up java enviroment, ssh environment and hadoop environment to practice building a single mode hadoop.